NIRD URBAN-INCERC offers attendants the chance to submit their work (abstracts and full papers) to its publications, available at, as described below. The order of publications in the list corresponds to increasing value and exigencies. In any case, publication is
conditioned by the
acceptance by reviewers and
strict observance of the editing guidelines.
Abstracts (written in English and Romanian by the Romanian authors and English by the foreign authors) are published in “Conferinţa de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului. Rezumate ale lucrărilor” (Research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development. Abstract Proceedings), Vol. 26, ISSN 2343-7537, indexed by CiteFactor, ProQuest, Ulrich’s Web, Scipio, WorldCat and Europa World of Learning / Routledge – website: The deadline is 25 October 2024.
Full proceedings papers are published in “Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului” (Paper proceedings of the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development), vol. 26, ISSN 2393-3208, indexed in CiteFactor, ProQuest, CEEOL, Scipio and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory – website: The deadline is 25 October 2024.
Full articles are published in the journal Constructions, ISSN 1221-2709 (indexed with 31 databases and libraries) – websites: and The deadline is 1 November 2024.
Full articles are published in the journal Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions, ISSN 2069-0509 (indexed in 60 databases and 100 libraries – websites: or The deadline is 1 November 2024.
In order to make the Abstract and Paper Proceedings available to all attendants, no submissions will be accepted for publication after the deadline, although participants registered after 25 October 2024 will be allow to present their work. The deadlines for journals can be extended. In choosing the journal, civil engineers must account for the fact that Constructions requires very technical papers, with a rigorous mathematical substantiation proved by equations, and describing experimental results, while Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions has a broader audience and accepts more general papers, which do not necessarily include equations or experimental results. Furthermore, Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions requires authors a rich bibliography, including at least 25 titles, out of which 90% should be published (journal articles, books and book chapters) and at least 80% should be ISI or Scopus journal articles, and strictly enforces the observance of Author Guidelines. Along with the strict observance of the Author Guidelines, these are conditions and not recommendations; if they are not met, no article is accepted to the review process.
Taking into account that the event presumes the delivery of presentations (supporting text and audio) and publication of supporting materials (abstracts and full papers), the organizers warn potential attendants on the fact that the management of the two is done independently. In more details, the program that will be available on 17 May 2024 is based exclusively on the online registrations and submission of materials. If authors submit articles or full papers, they are not found on the website unless the authors register them through the dedicated website and submit the supporting materials (supporting text and audio) by the deadline. Similarly, the materials submitted for publication do not use any information provided during the registration of presentations.
Please do not submit any document, such as Power Point presentations, to the organizers. The only documents that can be submitted are the abstracts and full papers. The only acceptable format is Word 2003 or previous (DOC). Documents submitted in other formats (DOCX, PDF) will not be taken into consideration.
Posters must be sized A4, and saved as PDF files only; they must use the layout available at and include the title, authors and affiliations, followed by the contents structured using the following sections: 1. Context, 2. Materials and methods, 3. Results and discussions, 4. Conclusions. If this structure is not suitable, the second and third chapters can lack or be replaced.
Published materials (abstracts, proceedings papers and articles) must meet the Author Guidelines specified on each publication’s site. Non-compliance results in an automatic rejection from publication, although authors can present their work (poster or oral) in the conference.
Language. Romanian authors will draft their presentations and full proceedings papers in Romanian or any foreign language, abstracts in Romanian and English. Foreign attendants will write the abstracts in English, implying a permission given to the organizers for translating them in Romanian, if needed (based on the attendance), and full proceedings papers in English or French. Full journal papers will be submitted in English for all journals. Posters will be presented in Romanian, English or French.